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"Custom Indicators"
Showing 51-99 of 99 items.

James Dicks – Forex Trading Secrets (Trading Strategies For The Forex Market)

James Dicks - Forex Trading Secrets (Trading Strategies for the Forex Market)Just a decade ago, the Foreign Exchange was a market reserved for a select few. Now, anyone can actively trade in this profitable market—even those...

Samuel And Co Trading – Introduction To Stocks & Forex

Samuel and Co Trading - Introduction to Stocks & ForexThis product will available 2-3 weeks later after you pay.What Will I Learn?You willbe able to trade the stock market with two of our advanced trading strategies!be...

SMD – SMD Pivot Breakout Trader 5.1 (Jan 2011)

SMD Pivot Breakout Trader 5.1 (Jan 2011)Instruction:This addon will work only under the cracked version of NinjaTrader 7!!!1) Copy 4 files:Info.xmlSMD_PBTrader_V5.1.csSMD_PBTrader_V5.1.X64.dllSMD_PBTrader_V5.1.X86.dllinto "My Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom"2) Copy file "\Plugins\nt7.smd.dll" inside folder "\Plugins\" of your emulator NT7set up!3) Start...

EVO – EVO Trading Protocols 1.001 (Nov 2012)

EVO Trading Protocols 1.001 (Nov 2012) Instruction 1) Files from folder \EvoTP_indicators_V1.001\ copy in "c:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom\" 2) Files from folder \EVoTP_templates\ copy in "c:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\templates\Chart\" 3) Run NinjaTrader and apply templates for your charts. Done. NinjaTrader ...

APA – APA Tools (Oct 2013)

APA Tools (Oct 2013) Can work with the free, legal, and cracked version of NinjaTrader 7. For import Ninjatrader indicator copy/replace all files from folder "APAStrategy-Patched" into "C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\NinjaTrader 7\bin\Custom\" Done. Include these indicators: Zones, Trender, Volume,...

Mark J. S. Keenan – Bridging Fundamental & Technical Analysis

Mark J. S. Keenan – Advanced Positioning, Flow, and Sentiment Analysis in Commodity Markets: Bridging Fundamental and Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading) The definitive book on Positioning Analysis ― a powerful and sophisticated framework to help traders,...

Martin Pring – Super CD Companion For Metastock

Martin Pring - Super CD Companion for MetastockMartin Pring’sSuper CD Companion for MetaStock offers detailed explanation and information to analyze the U.S. stock market for better trading results.With the Super CD you’ll have at your fingertips:25 Custom...

Sang Lucci – The Lucci method

Sang Lucci – The Lucci method Check out more Sang Lucci courses MASTER COURSE – Options Master Class (3 Course Bundle) or On Demand Options Education WELCOME TO SANG LUCCI’S 360 TRADING Our mission is to...

Hector Deville – Forex Trading Course (3SMA Trading System)

Hector Deville – Forex Trading Course (3SMA Trading System) is not offering you yet another black-box trading system - we're offering you a full Forex training program so you actually learn how to trade as...

Forexsb – Forex Strategy Builder Professional 3.8.8 +keygen

Forex Strategy Builder Professional The Most Advanced Analytical Tool for Traders. Create Create manually, generate automatically or optimize your strategy in minutes and see the results in real-time. Analyse Study all aspects of your strategy with...

Bullseyebroker – Bulls-Eye Broker 5 (Oct 2014)

Bulls-Eye Broker 5 (Oct 2014)For more than a decade, Bull’s-Eye Broker has been the leading Point and Figure charting software, with thousands of users. This means you can rest assured that you will be using software...

Tradeempowered – The Complete Forex Basics Course

Tradeempowered - The Complete Forex Basics CourseComplete Forex Basics CourseThe Complete FX Basics Course is a five-module, “go at your own pace,” online training that teaches you everything you need to know to get started in...

Steve Mauro – Beat The Market Maker BTMM 2019

Steve Mauro – Beat The Market Maker BTMM 2019Friends, as I write this, gold hit all time highs, the stock market is in turmoil, and unemployment is running rampant throughout the country.What does this all mean...

Fibozachi – The Super MACD Indicator Package (Jul 2016)

Fibozachi - The Super MACD Indicator Package (Jul 2016) The MACD Indicator (Moving Average Convergence-Divergence) is one of the most popular technical indicators used by novice and professional traders alike. It does have one major problem...

Simplertrading – Introduction To ThinkScript Vol. I, II, III

Simplertrading - Introduction to ThinkScript Vol. I, II, III Customize your indicators, scan queries, quotes, and data mining using ThinkScript for Thinkorswim. Complete your ThinkScript training and develop the ability to design and program your own...

TradeSmart University – Foundations Of Stocks And Options (3 Levels)

TradeSmart University - Foundations of Stocks and Options (3 levels) Level 1: New FOSO Teachings (Oct 2014) Class 1 - Introduction - 1h 10m Class 2 - Support & Resistance - 1h 36m Class 3 -...

Tradingmarkets – Larry Connors’ Top 20 Series: S&P 500 Trading Strategies

Larry Connors’ Top 20 Series: S&P 500 Trading Strategies – Beginning in 2015, Larry Connors will be managing money on a full-time basis. Therefore, this summer will be the final time that he will be...

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master

Russ Horn – Forex Strategy Master From the mind of the greatest Forex trader of our time comes the fastest and easiest way to make money in the Forex market likely ever conceived… Full time traders,...

Fibonaccitrader – Fibonacci Trader & Galactic Trader

Fibonacci Trader & Galactic TraderUsing astrological signatures as a market timing tool for identifying potential major reversals in financial and commodity markets is a phenomenon that has grown rapidly in the past 15 years. Much to...

Wyckoffanalytics – Wyckoff Trading Course (WTC - Summer Series 2019 Jan-Apr)

WYCKOFFANALYTICS - WYCKOFF TRADING COURSE (WTC - Summer Series Jan - Apr, 2019) The Wyckoff Trading Course – Summer Series will give you a foundational understanding of and ability to start using the Wyckoff Method, which...

JC Parets – Investopedia – Advanced Technical Analysis

JC Parets – Investopedia – Advanced Technical Analysis Learn to capitalize on trends like a professional trader using advanced technical indicators and chart analysis If you want to capture price movements like a professional trader, then...

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass

Macro Ops – Price Action Masterclass Becoming successful in trading and investing is not an easy journey. ​It’s a rough road — one filled with more twists, turns, potholes, and dead-ends than you can count. ​ Each leg of the...

Aldo Lagrutta – Evo Fortune 500

Hi, I’m Aldo Lagrutta, And today, I’m going to share the exact reason why it’s so difficult for you to make money trading Oil even if you have been trading other markets for many years and...

Forex Reviews – The Engulfing Trader Series

Forex Reviews – The Engulfing Trader Series Are You Really Profitable In Trading..? Learn An Effective Forex Strategy That CanMassively Improve Your Forex Earnings, Skyrocket Your Overall Success Ratio, Plus Give You An Edge In The...

Bill McCready – Futures Trading Secrets Home Study Course 2004

TheFuturesTradingCourse Includes: 18+ separate videos with Twenty (20) hours of interactive market-time training videos on DVD ROMs with 163 page course pdf manual to help you learn all our signals fast. Our Exclusive Dual-Time Frame Trading System. Real-time videos...

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts Run time: 332 minutes. What are Japanese Candlesticks – and why should traders use them? Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be combined...

ETP – Harmonic Pattern Drawer

ETP (experttradingprogrammers) – Harmonic Pattern Drawer DRAW A PATTERN FAST AND EASY Gain confidence by never misreading a valid chart pattern again Trade efficiently by recognizing and drawing a harmonic pattern in just a few click...

Easyrenko – EasyRenko System 1.516 (FULL Package)

EasyRenko System 1.516 - FULL PackageCustom Strategies for your quick success!There are custom strategies to make no brainer weekly or monthly bread n butter pips. These are out of chart confirming strategies.So that means you're not...

Frank Paul – Forex Profits with COT

Module I: Secrets Of the COT Explained (2 parts, running time: 92min) Part 1 – “Secrets of the COT Explained” (53:29) In this introductory section we lay the foundation for the course content and weekly subscription...

Hectortrader – Hector Deville (Forex Trading Course)

Hectortrader - Hector Deville (Forex Trading Course) Have you spent hundreds on dollars on "magic" systems that look promising on cherry-picked historical charts but that didn't quite deliver when applied in real time? Have you...

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0

Forextester – Simple Forex Tester 2.0 The Simple Forex Tester is a software suite that hooks DIRECTLY into the most powerful Forex trading platform on the planet – MetaTrader 4. It utilizes the power of your...

SimplerTrading – Voodoo Vault (Unlock the proprietary formula behind the powerful Voodoo Lines)

Simplertrading – Voodoo Vault: Unlock the proprietary formula behind the powerful Voodoo LinesWhat will you learn?IN ORDER TO PURCHASE THIS COURSE, AN NDA IS REQUIRED. BEFORE ACCESSING THIS CLASS, AN EXECUTED NDA MUST BE RECEIVED AND...

Order Flow Analytics – OFA Ninja Full Software Suite V7.9.1.5

Order Flow Analytics – OFA Ninja Full Software Suite V7.9.1.5 About OFA Flat-out Phenomenal, Groundbreaking, Weapons-Grade Technical Analysis Order Flow Analytics™ is the next generation of technical analysis. Built out of a need to see beneath...

Tradingmarket – Advanced TradeStation Coding

Tradingmarket – Advanced TradeStation Coding"To be the best, you must learn from the best"Are You a Trader Who is Looking to Learn Advanced TradeStation Programming Skills From One of the Top Experts in the World?Dear TradeStation...

Bill McCready – Futures Trading Secrets Home Study Course 2008

Bill McCready - Futures Trading Secrets Home Study Course 2008The Futures Trading Course Includes:18+ separate videos with Twenty (20) hours of interactive market-time training videos on DVD ROMs with 163 page course pdf manual to help...

Paintbarfactory – Paintbarfactory Package (For Tradestation)

Paintbarfactory Package (For Tradestation)The package includePaintBarFactory CCI Modified for TS ( Heat Meter for TS ( Misc. Indicator Pack ( Momentum Indicator for TS ( Open SourcePaintBarFactory PainBars (Direction, Entry & VTM) for TS & Manual...

Stephen Beak – Indie Learn Forex Masterclass

Stephen Beak – Indie Learn Forex Masterclass I have created many courses over the years, one of the earliest being the Complete Trader course. I have learnt a lot not only in Forex trading but also...

MTI – Trading Systems 2.0 Plus Course (Feb 2014)

MTI – Trading Systems 2.0 Plus Course (Feb 2014) GENERAL OVERVIEW Are your current trading strategies just not measuring up to their potential? Learn how to create and program your own set of guided and automated trading...

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic .Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management Models

Benjamin Van Vliet – Modeling Financial Markets. Using Visual Basic Net & Databases To Create Pricing Trading & Risk Management ModelsDevelopment Financial markets professionals today must sort, analyze, and act upon incredible amounts of data. This...

Chris Nash – Financial Fixed Odds Profits Course (

“If you can spare 30 minutes in the evening (or morning) I’ll show you how to grab tax-free Forex profits of ?58, ?91, ?166, ?288 or more on demand following a simple, proven Financial Fixed Odds...

Dean Saunders - 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder

Dean Saunders - 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder has been developed by Dean Saunder, an expert in forex trading. 10 Minute Forex Wealth Builder trading tool consists of two trading strategies...

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading

Larry Williams – Sure Thing Commodity Trading 64 Videos + 1 PDF Manual Reach a new level in your trading through Sure Thing Commodity Trading. Larry has always been an innovator in the markets, and once...

Indicatormall – Export to Excel

This indicator directly connects a NinjaTrader chart to the Microsoft Excel and exports Open, High, Low, Close and all corresponding indicator values into a new or existing workbook into a specified sheet. The indicator exports either...

Guy Cohen – Illuminati Trader (10 CDs, 4.54 GB)

Guy Cohen – Illuminati Trader (10 CDs, 4.54 GB) ( Whatever your current level of experience, I will help you achieve your goals in the markets. I’ve made successful traders who had little to no experience...

Floyd Upperman – Commitments of Traders

Floyd Upperman – Commitments of Traders “Floyd has answered for many in this book a way to both understand and use the Commitment of Traders reports. In my thirty-five years as a registered broker and author...

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical

Fred Shutzman – Developing Profitable Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical When trading on a discretionary basis, most traders look at many different tools and indicators and combine these into a logical decision making process. However, in...

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies

Mark Whistler – Trading Pairs-Capturing Profits and Hedging Risk with Statistical Arbitrage Strategies An accessible guide to the pairs trading technique A leading arbitrage expert gives traders real tools for using pairs trading, including customizable Excel...

ART Software – ART Market Scanner (Nov 2012)

ART Scanner Lifetime License for the compatible charting platform. Includes free software updates Key Highlights – ART Software Signal Scans-Pyramids & Reversals! – Identifies “Bracketed & Channeling” Markets! – High Probability Trend Trade Scans! – Utilizes...

AcuTrader – AcuTrader

AcuTrader Simple & Powerful Buy & Sell Signals – Futures – Forex – Stocks – Bonds. For Advanced or Beginner Traders using NinjaTrader We are proud to now partner with Bloodhound Shark Indicators! AcuTrader AutoTrader &...