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Forex Strategy Builder Professional

The Most Advanced Analytical Tool for Traders.

Create Strategies with Forex Strategy Builder


Create manually, generate automatically or optimize your strategy in minutes and see the results in real-time.

Analyse Strategies with Forex Strategy Builder


Study all aspects of your strategy with powerful analysing and robustness testing tools.

Export Expert Advisor


Export your Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 4 or 5 with one click. Study or modify the source code.

Get the Best of Forex Strategy Builder Professional

Generate Forex Strategies

Use the Strategy Generator to get your hands on limitless number of profitable strategies in minimal time. You can set a variety of strict acceptance criteria so only the best generated strategies will be collected.

Strategy Generator

Manually Create or Edit Your Strategies

The Strategy Editor allows you to create and edit strategies manually within a smooth graphic interface. You will be able to create and edit your strategies without writing a single symbol of code - it's all easy to use forms and buttons.

Strategy Editor

Trade With Expert Advisors

Forex Strategy Builder Professional can export strategies as Expert Advisors (both for MT4 and MT5). Although we have achieved an exceptional level of EA quality, we are continually working to improve it and keep your trading flawless.

Trade With Expert Advisors

Optimize Your Strategies

The Strategy Optimizer collects potentially good strategies based on a strategy you choose. It gives you full control over what parameters of the strategy to optimize and provides you with real Out of Sample testing too.

Optimize Your Forex Strategies

Analyse Your Strategies In Detail

Forex Strategy Builder Professional provides an array of tools when it comes to strategy analysis: environment backtest and report; complete orders and positions journal; detailed indicator and account charts.

Analyse Your Strategies In Detail

Test The Robustness of Your Strategies

Backtests can be ran with one of a several interpolation methods. Multi-market tests can be ran with a single click. FSB Pro also comes with many Monte Carlo test options.

Test Strategy Robustness

Enjoy Maximum Reliability

Not only does FSB Pro give you Real Out of Sample testing and various interpolation methods, but it also makes sure it keeps you away from common logical errors. The program is getting frequent updates with bug fixes and new features.

Out of Sample Testing

Build a Porftolio of Strategies

It lets you monitor your compound strategy performance with various statistics, real time chart calculation and clear stagnation period indication.

Strategy Portfolio Testing

Collect And Easily Find Your Strategies

When you run the Strategy Generator it automatically puts strategies that fit the Acceptance Criteria in a collection. A collection of strategies allows you easily review tens of strategies at a time, sort and filter them by criteria you find relevant.

Strategy Collection

Use 100+ Technical Indicators

There are more than 100 technical indicators bundled with the default install of FSB Pro. We make sure you can export strategies that use those indicators as Expert Advisors.

Technical Indicators

Get a Ton Of Extra Online Resources

We are keeping an online repository of custom user-made and developer-made technical indicators, strategies and addons. You can download those from within the program without even needing to load the website.

Additional Online Resources

Become a Valued Memeber of Our Online Community

Visit the FSB forums to meet and exchange knowledge and experience with other traders using FSB Pro. You can also ask for help and tips on whatever interests you. Make sure you search our forum if you have a problem with the program, it has over 20,000 posts full of information about the program and it's possible uses.

Join Our Forums To Soak Up The Experience of Other Traders

Easily Extend To Your Likings

FSB Pro allows you to extend it using custom technical indicators and addons written in C#. You can write those yourself, ask for help on the forums or pay someone to code those for you.

Extend Forex Strategy Builder Professional With C#

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